Hampshire 20/20 Leadership Programme
In 2019, Hampshire Isle of Wight Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) was in the process of evolving to form an Integrated Care System, in which NHS organisations, in partnership with local councils and community organisations take collective responsibility for managing resources, delivering NHS standards, and improving the health of the population they serve. Historically many of these organisations have been set up to compete or at the very least just focus on concerns within the boundaries of their organisation. In support of developing joined up services for local residents, there was national and local national recognition that leaders of health and care services now require new ‘system’ leadership competencies and behaviours to work collaboratively across traditional boundaries.
Taking inspiration from a similar programme in Frimley, we worked with leaders of the Hampshire health and social care system to design Hampshire 20/20, a 6 month, 7-day leadership programme bringing together clinical and operational colleagues from Primary and Secondary care, police, fire, ambulance, education, housing and VCSE organisations to:
Develop individual and collective capacity for system leadership – skills, tools, system awareness, confidence and agency.
- Build networks – break down barriers, build trust, relationships and peer support.
- Support cultural change, moving from competition to co-operation.
- Mobilise participants as a community of influential change agents for the North & Mid Hampshire system.
20/20 now runs in six health and care systems across the UK. 27 cohorts and more than 950 fellows have now completed the programme across England.
5 cohorts of >180 people have completed the programme with >90% of alumni agree or strongly agree that 20/20 has:
- helped them foster relationships with colleagues across the system
- equipped them with skills, tools and methodologies to support their leadership
- Build their confidence and motivation to lead change
- Encouraged them to seek out views and perspectives different to their own
Client experience
In the 4 years we have run 20/20, we have brought together over 120 leaders from across our system with a shared vision of helping the people of mid & north Hampshire to flourish. Learning leadership skills together has enabled them to build relationships across organisational boundaries and develop an ongoing curiosity for one another’s worlds. Many of our earlier participants have gone on to formal system leadership roles in the ICB or in other organisations than the one they started in. The system change projects developed through the programme have contributed to specific improvements in care including reduced length of stay in hospital, reduced conveyancing of ambulances, significant uptake in virtual health care and improved medicine management between hospitals and the community.
Alex whitfield – chief executive, hampshire hospitals foundation trust